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Feb 1, 2013
How to Automate Database Backups with SQL Server Express
original post at
Jonathan Kehayias, May 1, 2008
One of the items missing from SQL Server Express is the ability to schedule jobs to run at set times since it lacks the SQL Server
Agent Service. This makes scheduling automated backups of the databases in a SQL Express Instance difficult to do, though not
impossible. There are a more than a few ways to go about creating backups of the databases in SQL Express and this article
offers what should be a very easy to implement solution.
In order to perform the backups, the following stored procedure will need to be created in a database on your SQL Instance. Make
sure that you know where this procedure is created because this is important in later steps.
Create Dependent Stored Procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[BackupDatabases]
@BackupDir varchar(400),
@DatabaseName sysname = null,
@BackupType int = 0 -- 0=Full, 1=Differential, 2=Log
-- -- Begin Test Code
-- DECLARE @BackupDir varchar(400)
-- SET @BackupDir = 'D:\SQLBackups\Daily\'
-- -- End Test Code
-- Create worker table
DBName varchar(500)
-- Grab the Database Names from master DB
SELECT Name FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE name = @DatabaseName
OR @DatabaseName IS NULL
-- The below databases are not valid to backup
IF @BackupType = 0
DELETE @DBNames WHERE DBName IN ('tempdb', 'NorthWind', 'pubs')
ELSE IF @BackupType = 1
DELETE @DBNames WHERE DBName IN ('tempdb', 'NorthWind', 'pubs', 'master')
ELSE IF @BackupType = 2
DELETE @DBNames WHERE DBName IN ('tempdb', 'NorthWind', 'pubs', 'master', 'msdb', 'model')
IF (@BackupType < 0 OR @BackupType > 2)
-- Declare Session Variables
DECLARE @Now datetime
DECLARE @TodayStr varchar(20)
DECLARE @BackupName varchar(100)
DECLARE @BackupFile varchar(100)
DECLARE @DBName varchar(300)
DECLARE @LogFileName varchar(300)
DECLARE @SQL varchar(2000)
DECLARE @Loopvar int
-- Begin looping over Databases in the Work Table
SELECT @Loopvar = min(rowID)
-- Database Names have to have [dbname] format since some names have a - or _ in the name
SET @DBName = '['+(SELECT DBName FROM @DBNames WHERE RowID = @LoopVar)+']'
-- Set the current date and time
SET @Now = getdate()
-- Create backup file date and time in DOS format yyyy_hhmmss
Set @TodayStr = convert(varchar, @Now, 112)+ '_'+replace(convert(varchar, @Now, 108), ':', '')
-- Create a variable holding the total path\filename.ext for the log backup
Set @BackupFile = @BackupDir+REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBName, '[',''), ']','')+'-'+ @TodayStr + '-FULL.BAK'
-- Provide the backup a SQL name and name in media
Set @BackupName = REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBName, '[',''), ']','')+' full backup for ' + @TodayStr
-- Generate the Dynamic SQL script variable to be executed
IF @BackupType = 0
SET @SQL = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + @DBName + ' TO DISK = ''' + @BackupFile + ''' WITH INIT, NAME = ''' +@BackupName+''', NOSKIP, NOFORMAT'
ELSE IF @BackupType = 1
SET @SQL = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + @DBName + ' TO DISK = ''' + @BackupFile + ''' WITH DIFFERENTIAL, INIT, NAME = ''' +@BackupName+''', NOSKIP, NOFORMAT'
ELSE IF @BackupType = 2
SET @SQL = 'BACKUP LOG ' + @DBName + ' TO DISK = ''' + @BackupFile + ''' WITH INIT, NAME = ''' +@BackupName+''' , NOSKIP, NOFORMAT'
-- Execute the SQL Command
-- Goto the Next Database
SELECT @Loopvar = min(rowID)
WHERE RowID > @LoopVar
-- Execute Full Backup of all databases in local named instance of EXPRESS
-- to D:\SQLBackups\ using Windows Authentication
sqlcmd -S .\EXPRESS -Q "EXEC BackupDatabases @BackupDir='D:\SQLBackups\', @BackupType=0"
-- Execute Differential Backup of all databases in local named instance of SQLEXPRESS
-- to D:\SQLBackups\Differentials\ using SQL Login BackupUser with Password password.
sqlcmd -U BackupUser -P password -S .\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXEC BackupDatabases @BackupDir='D:\SQLBackups\Differentials\', @BackupType=1"
-- Execute Log Backup of all databases in local named instance of EXPRESS
-- to D:\SQLBackups\TLogs\ using Windows Authentication
sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXEC BackupDatabases @BackupDir='D:\SQLBackups\TLogs\', @BackupType=2"
-- Execute Full Backup of the WebContacts Database in local named instance of EXPRESS
-- to D:\SQLBackups\ using Windows Authentication
sqlcmd -S .\EXPRESS -Q "EXEC BackupDatabases @BackupDir='D:\SQLBackups\', @DatabaseName='WebContacts', @BackupType=0"
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There is a sample usage section at the bottom of this stored procedure in comments, that exists as a reference for its use if
there is ever a need to review how it can be called from the operating system. Once this procedure has been created, it can be
called from the operating system with the use of the sqlcmd executable. The folder for this executable is generally in the Path
variables for the server after SQL is installed, but in case it is not it is located in \90\Tools\Binn. (generally
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn)
The next decision to be made is under what context or security account will the backups be run. Since we will be using the
Task Scheduler to run the backups through a batch file we will create momentarily, you have the option to run this under
a windows login account. The account will require the BackupOperator Role at a minimum. To test that you have created the
user account and configured it correctly, you can run either one of the following commands from the command prompt.
To Use Windows Authentication
sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXEC BackupDatabases @BackupDir='c:\', @DatabaseName='master', @BackupType=0"
To Use SQL Authentication
sqlcmd -U BackupUser -P password -S .\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXEC BackupDatabases @BackupDir='c:\', @DatabaseName='master', @BackupType=0"
If this is all configured correctly, you will have a file beginning with master and ending in FULL.BAK in the root c:\ folder. If this completes
successfully, open Notepad up inside of Windows, and paste the corresponding command for what you want done into the file. To save it as a
batch file, select File -> Save As, and change the File Type from *.txt to . then put in the filename SQLBackups.bat, and save it to the path
where you want it to be maintained from.
Then open up the Windows Task Scheduler which is generally in Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks. Create
a new Scheduled Task, and point it to the Batch file you just save for its execution. Create the desired schedule for it to run, and then specify the
user account that this schedule will run under. If you are using Windows Authentication, it should be the same account that you were logged in
with in the tests above. Once you have done this, save the schedule, and you now have an automated backup process for SQL Express.
You can expand upon this by creating multiple batch files, one for Full Backups Weekly, one for Daily Differential Backups, and perhaps one for
backing up the Transaction Log every four hours. Then you create schedules for each type of backup and you have now implemented Full Recovery
for your SQL Express Database Instance.
For additional information please see:
Performing Common Maintenance Tasks in SQL Express
sqlcmd Utility Tutorial
How to: Create a Full Database Backup (Transact-SQL)
How to: Create a Transaction Log Backup (Transact-SQL)
Page Created By: Jonathan Kehayias, May 1, 2008
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